Oct 4, 2010

[101004] Heechul 9 Twitter Update

Idola kalian yang satu ini mang dahsyat!!
dalam sehari mentwitt berapa kali dia??
padahal idoL, Lho,,
kan jadwaL na padat,,
ck,ck,ck (btw, just check this out^^)

굿모닝 찐빵이다 오랜만에ㅋㅋ

굿모닝 찐빵이다 오랜만에ㅋㅋhttp://twitpic.com/2ufrn2
Good morning it's steamed buns(!) It's been a long timeㅋㅋhttp://twitpic.com/2ufrn2

경치가 좋구만~ http://twitpic.com/2ugwvv
The scenery is great~ http://twitpic.com/2ugwvv

즐거운 휴가~♡ http://twitpic.com/2uhziv
Joyful holidays~♡ http://twitpic.com/2uhziv

동생 민승이랑~ㅋ난 누군가 또 어딘가.... http://twitpic.com/2uisz2
With my dongsaeng Minseung~ㅋ Who am I and where am I at.... http://twitpic.com/2uisz2

잘들으마~내 욕하지말고ㅋㅋRT @ladyJane_ SBS 107.7 김희철의 영스트리트 오늘은 DJ 설리, 루나씨와 함께합니다 잠시 후 오후 8시부터!
Don't listen~ I won't blame youㅋㅋ RT @ladyJane_SBS: On SBS 107.7 Kim Heechul's Youngstreet today, DJ Sulli and Luna will be with you later from 8PM onwards!

원주친구 재원이랑~ 동생들 민승이랑 털곰이랑ㅋㅋㅋㅋ경치가 참 좋다~ http://twitpic.com/2uko9l
With my friend from Wonju(,) Jaewonnie~ (also) with my dongsaengs Minseung and Teulgomㅋㅋㅋㅋ The view is great~http://twitpic.com/2uko9l

집앞이요ㅋㅋRT @leokekoa 어디야 게스트 버리고 어디갔어 ㅋㅋ
In front of the houseㅋㅋ RT @leokekoa Where are you(?) Where did you go to after abandoning your guest ㅋㅋ

이걸.. 어떻게 만들지ㅡㅡ;ㅋㅋㅋㅋRT @Michi_51 커피에 찐빵 ㅋㅋ http://twitpic.com/2uku4r
This.. How did you make thisㅋㅋㅋㅋ RT @Michi_51 Steamed bun in the coffee ㅋㅋ http://twitpic.com/2uku4r

김영중~ 오늘은 설영중~ 설리 선영 영스중ㅋㅋ지금 시간이 8시 45분인가.. 오후 1시 45분인가.... http://twitpic.com/2ul2uq
In the middle of KimYoung~ It's in the middle of SulYoung* today~ Sulli (and) Sunyoung's** Youngstreetㅋㅋ The time now is 8:45PM (in Korea).. (and) it's 1:45 in the afternoon (at the USA).... http://twitpic.com/2ul2uq

* 설영 is a play on the words 리 and 선, and does not mean Sulli's Youngstreet. See the next sentence of his to know what Heenim's trying to say.
** 선영/Sunyoung is Luna's real name.

Posted by vhie.

Source: @Heedictator
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net

Please take out with FULL and proper credits.

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