Oct 24, 2010

Hello SHINee Part.2

Aaahhkkkk,, meLanjutkan FF memaLukan ini. Bagi kaLian yg sudah baca Part.1, ini Lanjutannya. Yang beLom baca n tertarik, bisa baca Part.1 terlebih duLu. Enjoy n don't forget with ur comment ^^
15 menit lebih aku menunggu. Aku lelah menunggu. Setelah hampir 1 jam didesak fans yang menggila, aku memutuskan untuk menyusul SHINee ke Ritz Carlton Hotel. Disinilah aku sekarang. Kembali berdesakan di teras hotel bersama fans yang masih tak mau melepaskan idola mereka begitu saja.

Aku baru saja hendak melangkahkan kaki menuju mobil untuk pulang ketika Hp ku berbunyi. Kutatap layar dan mengamati no yang tertera. Ini bukan no Key. Meski begitu, kuterima juga panggilannya.
"Hallo?" kataku lemas. Aku sudah capek berdesakan. Kuputuskan untuk duduk di pos satpam. Bagai anak hilang, aku duduk memojok sambil menyedot sisa minumanku. Entah sudah botol keberapa ini.

"Yobseo?" aaahh,, another Korean.

"... Oppa?" tanyaku ragu. Aku tidak tahu siapa yang sedang bicara di seberang sana. Suara asli, rekaman dan suara ditelp memang berbeda.

[Leeteuk Eunhyuk] Funny n Silly ~Dibalik Layar Sukira Part.6~

Leeteuk: Not long ago, members went to Gapyeong, we went for 2 days 1 night, and to also get a rest since we're there. During that time (,) we separated into teams for a soccer game, I was in a team together with Eunhyuk, Donghae and a manager.

Eunhyuk: No, no, we're with Henry and Sungmin.

Leeteuk: Ah, Henry and Sungmin, with the both of us, not Donghae. To be honest, the ones in our team are very weak (in soccer), the first match ended successfully, the opposite team won in the end.

Eunhyuk: Yes, it's a very serious match.

Leeteuk: After the match, because we had already found out all about the opposite team, so we thought our team had chances of winning, therefore we decided to have another match, but this time (,) the losing team had to be thrown down into the water... in the end (,) we still lost. (laugh)

Eunhyuk: Henry was playing for the first time, Sungmin has no talent (in soccer)... but in terms of team spirit, we're still considered good, (we're) quite energetic.

Leeteuk: That's right. (laugh) I remembered I was thrown down into the water. Actually before being thrown down, I was a little scared. Moreover it was already night time, the dark night... but now (,) everything became a memory.

Eunhyuk: This short vacation became a wonderful memory.

Leeteuk: That's right.

Eunhyuk: Listener 1013 said, "Got the last position during sports meet, the players in our class got disqualified during the qualifying rounds, so we fell asleep when the rest were involved in the competition, it's the first time I had such a boring sports meet."

Leeteuk: It would be boring if you didn't participate in it. We're just the same as well, we were arguing nosily about wanting to play basketball after we lost the soccer game.

Eunhyuk: "Ya, let's not play this, play others instead.” trying to cheat our way out. (laugh)

Leeteuk: That's why I understand your feeling. (laugh)

Posted by vhie.
Source: sj-partners.cn
Chinese translation: 小果
English translation:~♡ 혁-fied @ SJ-WORLD.NET


[Video/Link] SBS Star King Ep186 - Eeteuk & Eunhyuk, [MF] [MU] Eeteuk & Eunhyuk Full Cut only

SBS Star King
- Eeteuk & Eunhyuk -

101023 Star King Eeteuk & Eunhyuk Cut

Mediafire: Part.001 - Part.002
Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CTGLMV88
Source: Baros | Cut & Uploaded by Heenism@sj-world.net

Posted by vhie.

[PICS] Onew and Taemin at Music Street Radio

Posted by vhie.
Source: shakizi
Credit: weareshining

[PICS] SHINee Hello Fansign 101024

[Fan Photo] SHINee Hello Fansign 101024 {updated}

Credit: weareshining (WRS)
-DCSHINee [6P]
-Drizzle [7P]
Source: dcshinee
reup: ipechangminho

[PICS] SHINee at KPop Night 2010 101023

[News Photo] SHINee at KPop Night 2010 101023

[Video] shinee at KPop Night 101023


Credits: 4 Yesung | By, Pook-Ka
Reuploaded: black_cat@SJ-World.net
From:tieba.baidu.com/ choisiwon
photo by :桃子
reuploaded by winarawrr@sj-world.net
Please upload again by yourself when you take the photo out

siwon 1
siwon 2

[101024] SuJu's Twitter Update ~Zhoumi n Eunhyuk~

Zoumi 5 Update + 2 RepLay

Setting off to go to the airport, I was actually supposed to fly to Busan for a hosting schedule but it was suddenly cancelled ^^, will have a good sleep later on the plane~

Although I can feel everyone's passion each time at the airport, but still I urge everyone to take notice of your safety, we'll feel distressed and helpless if you guys fell down or got hurt.

Once in High School it was snowing heavily in Beijing, Dad's ride after work was stuck in a jam at the return loop and only came home in the early hours, clearly remember that an artiste was holding a concert at Shoudu Stadium that day, because I tripped at the gate; in the past(,) going to school everyday have to take route 347 to White Bridge Shoudu Station and transfer Route 27 to AnDingMen; in the past will go to the Carrefour near Shoudu Stadium with Mum during the weekends; In High School will occassionaly go to the K Song1 opposite Shoudu Stadium. All these gave me a strange excitment towards today's stage
1 karaoke place

[Video/Cut] Minho 101023 @ Star King