Feb 8, 2011

[110208] Ryeowook 4 Twitter Update

@ryeong9: 설날연휴가 끝남과 동시에 태국에 갔다가 방금 한국 도착>∇< '12 PLUS' thanks~♥ http://twitpic.com/3ximqz

@ryeong9: Lunar new year holidays came to an end and I went to Thailand as well and arrived in Korea a while ago>∇< '12 PLUS' thanks~♥ http://twitpic.com/3ximqz

Translated by. @pastakyu SJ-WORLD.NET
"@nae1004: 원숭이과 동물의 세계에선 힘이 약한 수컷이 강한 수컷에게 복종에 의미로 등도 긁어 주고 털도 골라 준다지요. twitpic.com/3xn49b" 내가 더 쎄ㅋㅋ
"@nae1004: In the world of the ape species weaker males would have to scratch the backs and groom the hair of stronger males to show their compliance (to their power) twitpic.com/3xn49b" I'm stronger ㅋㅋ

태국 화장실의 센스~~^^ 이거 보고 엄청 웃었네ㅋㅋㅋ 급한 남녀~~>∇< 다리봐봐 푸헤헤~♥ twitpic.com/3xnwu7
Thailand toilets' sense~~^^ Really laughed after seeing this ㅋㅋㅋ Man (and) woman in a haste~~>∇< Look at their legs puhehe~♥

대박 강추! 뮤지컬 <우리동네> 출연하신 배우 김도신 선생님 초대로 종석이형과 가게됐는데~ 많은 분들이 이 작품 꼭 twitpic.com/3xp9sn 봤으면 좋겠어요!! 사람냄새나서 좋은 뮤지컬이에요~>∇< 종석이형 울었대 ㅋㅋㅋ
Highly recommended! Under the invitation of the actor who is acting in the musical <Our Neighbourhood> Kim Doshin sunbaenim(,) I went to watch with Jongseokkie hyung~ If a lot of people went to watch this piece of work twitpic.com/3xp9sn it would be great!! It's a good musical that has a human touch~>∇< Jongseokkie hyung said he cried ㅋㅋㅋ

Posted by vhie.
Source: @ryeong9
Korean-Chinese translations by 啃呀小苹果 @ Weibo
Chinese-English translations by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Please take out with full credits.

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