► 동해야 생일 축하한다!!!매신져봤지?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Donghae-yah happy birthday!!! Have you seen the message? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
► 로마다!!콜로세움 정말 웅장했다..코로세워서 콜로세움(코로세움)이라는데..ㅡㅡㅋㅋ이히히...http://twitpic.com/2xlkz5
It's Roma!! The Colosseum is really grand.. The Colosseum is built from a nose (Ko-ro-se-eum)*..ㅡㅡㅋㅋ Eehihi... http://twitpic.com/2xlkz5
* Colosseum and "nose construction" has similar pronunciation. Leeteuk is trying to make a joke out of it...
It's Roma!! The Colosseum is really grand.. The Colosseum is built from a nose (Ko-ro-se-eum)*..ㅡㅡㅋㅋ Eehihi... http://twitpic.com/2xlkz5
* Colosseum and "nose construction" has similar pronunciation. Leeteuk is trying to make a joke out of it...
► 옛날에도대체어떻게 지었을까..정말그생각밖에밖에들지않았다..지금으로따지면잠실주경지장?월드컵 경기장? 비슷하지않을까생각이드는데정말대단했다!!!콜로세움 내부~http://twitpic.com/2xllq9
How was this built in ancient times.. Really can't think of anything else but this thought.. If compared to now, it resembles (the) Jamsil Arena*? (or the) World Cup Stadium? It's really terrific!! Inside the Colosseum http://twitpic.com/2xllq9
* Also known as the Jamsil Baseball Stadium.
How was this built in ancient times.. Really can't think of anything else but this thought.. If compared to now, it resembles (the) Jamsil Arena*? (or the) World Cup Stadium? It's really terrific!! Inside the Colosseum http://twitpic.com/2xllq9
* Also known as the Jamsil Baseball Stadium.
Ryeowook Update
► 으~쌀쌀해졌다~~~ 따숩게입구 다니세요^^~
Eu~ It became chilly~~~ Please dress warmly when you go out^^~
Eu~ It became chilly~~~ Please dress warmly when you go out^^~
Posted by vhie.
Source: @ryeong9
Chinese translation by 杰_在 @ Baidu SJ Bar
English translation by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Source: @special1004Chinese translation by 杰_在 @ Baidu SJ Bar
English translation by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Chinese translation by E @ jsholic.com
English translation by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Please take out with FULL and proper credits.
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