Received the third wave of presents, my waiting room became a food store once again, (and) I'll thank everyone on behalf of the whole crew again!!! keke!!!
12:39 GMT+8 (13:39 KST)
Source: Han Geng's Weibo
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Zhoumi 8 Update
看 乐谱来来回回的练
Looking at the sheet music and practising over and over again
......... It's completely nauseating!!!
Looking at the sheet music and practising over and over again
23:11 GMT+8 (00:19 KST)
又是自己一人在录音室狂唱四个多小时,每次这个时候我要做的东西就特别多.前几 天又去了次医院看嗓子,庆幸嗓子坏了到现在还能唱歌,几次都害怕自己录demo到一半撑不下去,我需要多给时间让嗓子休息,可这样M的录音就会延迟,我可 不要呵呵呵
Sitting in the recording room alone and singing for more than four hours again, everytime when this time comes around there would particularly be a lot of things that I have to do. A few days ago I went to the hospital again to have my throat checked, luckily even though I lost my voice I can still sing up till now, there were several few times where I was afraid that I couldn't take it any longer while recording the demo, I need more time to let my vocal chords rest, but I would delay (SJ)M's recording if I do so, I don't want (it) to (happen) kekeke
Sitting in the recording room alone and singing for more than four hours again, everytime when this time comes around there would particularly be a lot of things that I have to do. A few days ago I went to the hospital again to have my throat checked, luckily even though I lost my voice I can still sing up till now, there were several few times where I was afraid that I couldn't take it any longer while recording the demo, I need more time to let my vocal chords rest, but I would delay (SJ)M's recording if I do so, I don't want (it) to (happen) kekeke
19:18 GMT +8 (20:18 KST)
录音师说我嗓子能好到现在这样是奇迹,不免让我想起之前在北京看病的情景.跑了四 家医院!开始医生说是癌症导致声带问题,检查完却无任何问题,那瞬间我深刻体会到生命的可贵.接着却说没办法医治,这辈子都不能唱歌了.中国病人们真的很 可怜,看个病还要求着挂号,不祈求某些工作人员能善待病人,但请稍有点耐心
The sound engineer said that it's a miracle that my throat can remain well until now, (and) inevitably I recalled the situation I was in when I went to see a doctor in Beijing. I went to four hospitals (in total)! In the beginning(,) the doctor said that it was a cancer causing problems to my vocal chords, but after checking there was nothing to be found, at that moment I understood how precious life is. Later on(,) they said that there was no way it* could be cured, and I could not sing anymore for the rest of my life. Patients in China are really pitiful, when you want a disease addressed you have to be registered, (I) don't hope that some staff could treat the patients better, but please have some patience
* His throat problem.
The sound engineer said that it's a miracle that my throat can remain well until now, (and) inevitably I recalled the situation I was in when I went to see a doctor in Beijing. I went to four hospitals (in total)! In the beginning(,) the doctor said that it was a cancer causing problems to my vocal chords, but after checking there was nothing to be found, at that moment I understood how precious life is. Later on(,) they said that there was no way it* could be cured, and I could not sing anymore for the rest of my life. Patients in China are really pitiful, when you want a disease addressed you have to be registered, (I) don't hope that some staff could treat the patients better, but please have some patience
* His throat problem.
21:01 GMT+8 (22:01 KST)
有时候解释是留给听的懂话的人的,所以大多数时候我不解 释,理解的人自然理解,但我必须重申一点,我是中国人!我很骄傲自豪,麻烦那些在我国籍上无聊炒作的人,你们歇歇吧!
Sometimes explanations are left for those who are able to understand, so most of the time I won't explain myself, understanding people will naturally be able to comprehend (the situation), but I have to stress on one point, I'm a Chinese national! I'm very proud (of it), so for those who are making ridiculous speculations about my nationality, give it a rest!
Sometimes explanations are left for those who are able to understand, so most of the time I won't explain myself, understanding people will naturally be able to comprehend (the situation), but I have to stress on one point, I'm a Chinese national! I'm very proud (of it), so for those who are making ridiculous speculations about my nationality, give it a rest!
23:04 GMT +8 (00:04 KST)
Source: Zhou Mi's Weibo
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
很 担心LC,有些事是要自己努力争取的!不管怎么样,自己做了选择就绝不要后悔~
Very worried about LC, there are some things which you must fight for by working hard! No matter what, after making your decision then don't ever regret it~
Very worried about LC, there are some things which you must fight for by working hard! No matter what, after making your decision then don't ever regret it~
01:51 GMT+8 (02:51 KST)
勇往直前改在今天播了,你们正在看吗?^^ //@lulucan:注意播出时间啊,大家
Bravely Moving Forward has been moved to be broadcasted today, are you all watching it right now? ^^ // @lulucan: Everyone, please take note of the airing time
Bravely Moving Forward has been moved to be broadcasted today, are you all watching it right now? ^^ // @lulucan: Everyone, please take note of the airing time
@z博博:请 @SJ-M的粉丝们转起来,@SJ-M的礼物将在今天晚上5:20«勇往直前»节目的广告时间,在百度贴吧回答相关问题赢取奖品.
@SJ-M's fans please pass this around, @SJ-M's gift would be (given out) during the commercial break of tonight's «Bravely Moving Forward» programme at 5:20PM, please answer related questions on the Baidu Bar in order to win the prizes.

@SJ-M's fans please pass this around, @SJ-M's gift would be (given out) during the commercial break of tonight's «Bravely Moving Forward» programme at 5:20PM, please answer related questions on the Baidu Bar in order to win the prizes.
17:51 GMT +8 (18:51 KST)
翻了一下之前写的微薄,好久没发照片了,也好,一发图就 不知道要写点什么,以后就多走文字吧.
Went through the Weibo entries that I've previously written, it's been a long time since I've uploaded a photo, but it's good, (because) once I upload a photo I won't know what to write, will just leave more text in the future.
Went through the Weibo entries that I've previously written, it's been a long time since I've uploaded a photo, but it's good, (because) once I upload a photo I won't know what to write, will just leave more text in the future.
18:37 GMT +8 (19:37 KST)
Source: Zhou Mi's Weibo
Shared by IINA @ sj-world.net
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Leeteuk 5 Update
► *^^* http://yfrog.com/h4xzdzj
►*deleted* The shirts that Park Seungil hyungnim gave our team!!^^ Thank you!!!! I love it so much!!! We will wear it during rehearsal!!! So pretty^^
►*deleted* Return me 500won!!!!!!
► My everything is Super Junior..and ELF^^ After today(,) you have to guard us well...!!! We have tomorrow, how lucky is this?^^/ Despite (the weather) being so cold(,) everyone still came and also (,) the people who watched the television! Everyone's enthusiasm makes me feel as if it is summer ㅋ Lets guard each other I love you..
► Not sleeping today...
► *^^* http://yfrog.com/h4xzdzj
►*deleted* The shirts that Park Seungil hyungnim gave our team!!^^ Thank you!!!! I love it so much!!! We will wear it during rehearsal!!! So pretty^^
►*deleted* Return me 500won!!!!!!
► My everything is Super Junior..and ELF^^ After today(,) you have to guard us well...!!! We have tomorrow, how lucky is this?^^/ Despite (the weather) being so cold(,) everyone still came and also (,) the people who watched the television! Everyone's enthusiasm makes me feel as if it is summer ㅋ Lets guard each other I love you..
► Not sleeping today...
Original Source: @special1004
From Korean to Chinese: MISS SUN @ Baidu
From Chinese to English: ★//囧酥餅 @ SJ-WORLD.NET.
Yesung 2 Update
► http://twitpic.com/3evl8t 3년전 ... 혁재랑 셀카질 ... ^^
http://twitpic.com/3evl8t 3 years ago ... selca with Hyukjae ... ^^
http://twitpic.com/3evl8t 3 years ago ... selca with Hyukjae ... ^^
► 오늘은 상배랑종진이랑 오랜만에 밥톨스에서 만담중 ... ㅎㅎ 겨울이왔구나 진짜... http://yfrog.com/h22dyej
In the middle of a comical chat today with Sangbae and Jongjinnie at Babtol's after a long time ... ㅎㅎ Winter is really here... http://yfrog.com/h22dyej
In the middle of a comical chat today with Sangbae and Jongjinnie at Babtol's after a long time ... ㅎㅎ Winter is really here... http://yfrog.com/h22dyej
Source: @shfly3424
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Posted by vhie.
Please take out with full and proper credits.
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