Tweets like these were originally written in English
► ㅋ RT @JinseokYang: 희철군의 웃는모습을 보니..아침에 기분이 좋군요..^^.. RT @Heedictator: http://twitpic.com/3fgcwd Good Morning~
ㅋ RT @JinseokYang: Seeing Heechul-gun's smiling face.. Feels great in the morning..^^.. RT @Heedictator: http://twitpic.com/3fgcwd Good Morning~
ㅋ RT @JinseokYang: Seeing Heechul-gun's smiling face.. Feels great in the morning..^^.. RT @Heedictator: http://twitpic.com/3fgcwd Good Morning~
► http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.ht...121310091386114 자세하구만ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.ht...121310091386114 it's detailedㅋㅋㅋㅋ
http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.ht...121310091386114 it's detailedㅋㅋㅋㅋ
► http://yearinreview.twitter.com/trends/ WooJoo* Big Star : ) KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
* WooJoo/우주 = universe
* WooJoo/우주 = universe
Source: @Heedictator
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Ryeowook 3 Update
► 겨울이 확실히 왔구나.. 귀찮아서 꺼내지 않았던 가습기를 꺼내고야 말았다~ 목이 정확하단 말야~^^; 아이쿠 하나 둘~♬
Winter has already come for sure .. The humidifier that wasn't taken out because it was annoying has been taken out at last~ vocals are the most accurate measure~^^; Aigoo one two*~♬
* A line from IU's new song 좋은 날 (Good Day).
Winter has already come for sure .. The humidifier that wasn't taken out because it was annoying has been taken out at last~ vocals are the most accurate measure~^^; Aigoo one two*~♬
* A line from IU's new song 좋은 날 (Good Day).
Source: @ryeong9
Translated by ● τaecifeя @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Edited by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
► <괜찮아 아빠딸> 본방사수중^^ 모두들!! 봅시다~~~ >.< 욱기 완전 멋지다!!~~ㅋㅋ
Tuning in to <It's Okay Daddy's Girl> ^^ Everyone!! Please watch~~~ >.< Wookgi* is really cool!!~~ㅋㅋ
*Wookgi is the name of the character which Donghae plays in the drama.
Tuning in to <It's Okay Daddy's Girl> ^^ Everyone!! Please watch~~~ >.< Wookgi* is really cool!!~~ㅋㅋ
*Wookgi is the name of the character which Donghae plays in the drama.
► 드라마 풍년이로구나^^ <아테나;전쟁의여신> 에스비에스에서 바로 볼 수 있네~~캬캬~ 본방 사수 합시다~~ ㅋㅋ 아~~ 드라마력으로 태어나다니~~ㅋㅋㅋ
Looks like is a drama harvest year*^^ Can watch <Athena; Goddess of War> immediately on SBS~~ Kyakya**~ Let's tune in to the broadcast~~ ㅋㅋ Ah~~ Reborn as drama-Ryeok***~~ ㅋㅋㅋ
* Meaning a year with an abundance of dramas.
** Ryeowook's being cute here :3
*** Ryeok = abbreviation of Ryeowook's name.
Looks like is a drama harvest year*^^ Can watch <Athena; Goddess of War> immediately on SBS~~ Kyakya**~ Let's tune in to the broadcast~~ ㅋㅋ Ah~~ Reborn as drama-Ryeok***~~ ㅋㅋㅋ
* Meaning a year with an abundance of dramas.
** Ryeowook's being cute here :3
*** Ryeok = abbreviation of Ryeowook's name.
Source: @ryeong9
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Please take out with full and proper credits.
Hangeng 2 Update
是 呀,大家真的很辛苦,都已经连续工作两天没有睡觉了,武行试戏的时侯坐在地上就睡着了,看样子今天又要到早上了。大家一起加油吧!
Yes, everyone's really toiling a lot, and has been working for two consecutive without sleep, while doing the martial arts testing scene I sat on the floor and fell asleep, looks like we'll have to (work) until morning again today. Everyone let's make an all-out effort together!
Yes, everyone's really toiling a lot, and has been working for two consecutive without sleep, while doing the martial arts testing scene I sat on the floor and fell asleep, looks like we'll have to (work) until morning again today. Everyone let's make an all-out effort together!
@大武生:#拍摄现场#洪导拍戏很是精益求精,经常不眠不休的辛苦工作,对几位 主演的动作更是严格要求。不过拍摄间隙,洪导对大家都很nice,还时常给大家分发爱心甜点。来张图,工作状态中的洪导 
@Da Wu Sheng: #Filming Scene# Director Hung really demands excellence while filming, often working hard without sleeping or resting, and in addition he also has strict requirements for the few main characters' moves. However during the intervals between filming, Director Hung is very nice towards everyone, even giving out desserts to everyone frequently. Here's a photo, Director Hung's working state

@Da Wu Sheng: #Filming Scene# Director Hung really demands excellence while filming, often working hard without sleeping or resting, and in addition he also has strict requirements for the few main characters' moves. However during the intervals between filming, Director Hung is very nice towards everyone, even giving out desserts to everyone frequently. Here's a photo, Director Hung's working state
18:48 GMT+8 (19:48 KST)
Source: Han Geng's Weibo
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Zhoumi 3 Twitter Update
Welovelamejokes: According to observations, a cat will sleep ten hours every day, play with itself for four hours, daydream for four house, get teased by others for two hours, tease others for two hours, eat and drink for one hour, and the last hour will be for thinking about it's own life...

Jason Liu: What a life with heavy responsibility
Zhoumi: Our Niqiu sleeps for ten hours everyday (Sometimes more than that...), play with itself for five hours, go crazy for three hours, get teased for four hours, eat and drink for one hour, and the last hour maybe it doesn't even think about it's own life... hehe
12:13 KST
Jason Liu: What a life with heavy responsibility
Zhoumi: Our Niqiu sleeps for ten hours everyday (Sometimes more than that...), play with itself for five hours, go crazy for three hours, get teased for four hours, eat and drink for one hour, and the last hour maybe it doesn't even think about it's own life... hehe
12:13 KST
上高中 时我是理科的,因为一看到要背的东西会头疼,但我平时又偏偏爱动笔写东西,我把这一切归功于记忆力不好导致的嗜睡症!
While I was in high school I was in the Science stream, because whenever I see something that requires memory work then my head would hurt, but on the contrary I normally love to write, I attribute all of these to the narcolepsy* that was caused by my bad memory!
* Narcolepsy is a disease where a person would have excessive daytime sleepiness and may fall asleep at inappropriate times. But in this context, Zhou Mi's likely to be saying that he just loves to sleep a lot, lol.
15:42 KST
While I was in high school I was in the Science stream, because whenever I see something that requires memory work then my head would hurt, but on the contrary I normally love to write, I attribute all of these to the narcolepsy* that was caused by my bad memory!
* Narcolepsy is a disease where a person would have excessive daytime sleepiness and may fall asleep at inappropriate times. But in this context, Zhou Mi's likely to be saying that he just loves to sleep a lot, lol.
15:42 KST
浮云 ----漂浮在天空中的云彩,只可远观,不可近邻,闻不到摸不到,但偏偏有人喜欢把它当回事,所以说浮云神马的,千万别太当真!
Floating clouds----clouds that hover in the skies, (those which) can only be seen from afar, (but are) unable to be approached, (and) can't smell nor touch it, but it so happens that there are some people who love to take it seriously, so things like floating clouds, don't take them too seriously!
21:19 KST
Floating clouds----clouds that hover in the skies, (those which) can only be seen from afar, (but are) unable to be approached, (and) can't smell nor touch it, but it so happens that there are some people who love to take it seriously, so things like floating clouds, don't take them too seriously!
21:19 KST
Source from Zhoumi's Weibo
Translation by (L) & eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Shindong 1 Update
난 오늘 G드래곤을 만낫다!!! (빅뱅 권지용 군과는 아무런 관련이없음을 ..) http://yfrog.com/h0i88fej
I met G-Dragon today!!! (No relation with Big Bang's Kwon Jiyong-gun* at all ..) http://yfrog.com/h0i88fej
* -gun is an honorific, something like 'mister'.
I met G-Dragon today!!! (No relation with Big Bang's Kwon Jiyong-gun* at all ..) http://yfrog.com/h0i88fej
* -gun is an honorific, something like 'mister'.
Source: @ShinsFriends
Translated by eternalsnow @ sj-world.net
Kyuhyun Update
@GaemGyu RT @StarBell87 규현아 멋있다ㅋㅋ화팅해라!*@GaemGyu 아 트위터어렵다 ㅋㅋ 우린언제 보징???**
@StarBell87 요즘..너가 제일 바쁘거든?ㅋㅋ내가 날잡아?
@GaemGyu RT @StarBell87 Kyuhyunah you're amazingㅋㅋfighting!
@GaemGyu Ah twitter's difficult ㅋㅋ when are we gonna hang out???
@StarBell87 These days..aren't you the busiest one?ㅋㅋHit me up?
* Kyuhyun's fail, he meant to reply to his friend, but accidentally RTed him.
** Cute writing
Original Source. twitter
Translated by. @pastakyu / Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
Posted by vhie.
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