Shindong Update
► 오늘 심심타파를 함께하지못해서 죄송합니다..^^ 하지만 저대신 오늘 솔로로멋지게돌아온 박정민님!! 이 함께해주십니다 수요일까지 지켜주신답니다 ^^ 목요일에 돌아갈께요. 신동박규리의 심심타파 많이사랑해주삼!!! ㅎㅎ
Sorry for not being able to do ShimShimTaPa together today..^^ But in my stead today(, it'll be) Park Jungmin-nim who has returned handsomely through his solo (album)!! He'll be with you until Wednesday (so) please watch him ^^ I will be back on Thursday. Please give lots of love to Shindong-Park Gyuri's ShimShimTaPa!!! ㅎㅎ
Sorry for not being able to do ShimShimTaPa together today..^^ But in my stead today(, it'll be) Park Jungmin-nim who has returned handsomely through his solo (album)!! He'll be with you until Wednesday (so) please watch him ^^ I will be back on Thursday. Please give lots of love to Shindong-Park Gyuri's ShimShimTaPa!!! ㅎㅎ
Source: @ShinsFriends
Translated by eternalsnow @
DongHae Update
They're heading to Japan already? What a schedule they have. I even saw picture of Ryeowook. He's so stressed.
Donghae's just so sweet isn't he?
please be careful while walking or driving !! Don't get hurt !!
^ So cute much?
Yesung Update
► 대만다녀왔다아~ 곧 일본 그리고 싱가폴엘프만나러갈꺼야 ~~ 기다려구있어!!
Went to Taiwan~ Soon (I/we) will be going to meet Japanese and Singaporean E.L.F. ~~ Anticipating it!!
Went to Taiwan~ Soon (I/we) will be going to meet Japanese and Singaporean E.L.F. ~~ Anticipating it!!
Source: @shfly3424
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Kibum Update
Source: @ikmubmik
Translated by Euodsie@SJ-WORLD.NET
Please take out with proper credits.
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